Desperate for Makeup

October 19, 2006

My sister is crazy for boys and makeup

Filed under: cosmetics, Lifestyle, makeup, makeup 101 — makeupforthesoul1 @ 1:51 am

My sister is insane. I just found her blog and it makes me laugh that her life is just so simple. While I worry about bills and college, she worries about her makeup coming off, the latest cosmetics, and her newest boyfriend. Oh, I do miss those days. Maybe at some pt she’ll realize that there are more important things than temporary cosmetics. For now, I guess she can have her fun. Who wouldn’t want that when they are 17? I sort of wish I was in highschool again. Never thought i’d say that!

October 10, 2006

Cosmetically Beautiful

Filed under: cosmetics, Lifestyle, makeup, makeup 101 — makeupforthesoul1 @ 5:44 pm

I don’t feel beautiful. I feel like any ugly duckling when I wake up in the morning. Of course all of my roomies are stunning and even when they open their eyes in the a.m., they look perfect. Why can’t I be like that? I want to feel like the most attractive woman in class. I feel like lipstick, perfume, and a hint of mascara is the only way for me to look “average.”

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